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Black Friday Deals for Real Estate

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What great real estate related deals will you find this Black Friday?

Now with presidential election out of the way we are finally getting to see Black Friday offers rolling in. Normally we have been bombarded with Black Friday sales offers for months by this time of year. It’s a refreshing change, and could mean a strong surge in sales deals between now and Christmas. Reports have shown more and more real estate related companies and professionals jumping in on the trend. So, what opportunities should we be looking for?

Real Estate Deals

Look for property owners and agents offering Black Friday deals on homes, condos, rentals, and commercial real estate. If you are going to splurge on sales it makes far more sense to invest in something you want and need, than fad consumer items which may be out of style by the time Christmas hits.

Real Estate Services

What makes buying property even more attractive at this time of year is being able to combine discounts from real estate service providers. You may save a few thousand on the purchase price of a home and an agent’s commission. Then add to that deals on new furniture, home improvement items, insurances, mortgage loans, and more, and those benefits can really total up.

Collaboration Opportunities

With Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday, and Giving Tuesday all back to back there are many collaboration opportunities. If you are in the business look for services which compliment yours, and which you can add value to, and work together. Collaborate on marketing, refer customers to each other, and even consider hosting live events together. It doesn’t just have to be about directly creating buzz around your own brand and boosting your revenues either. There is great benefit in simply working to support local small businesses, and taking advantage of Giving Tuesday to pay it forward within your community too.

What will you buy, offer, collaborate on, and give this month?

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